Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Exploring the Details: Show a success

The recent show held at the gallery on May 3, 2009 , Exploring the Details: With Jim Nedelak & Larry Bracegirdle had quite the turnout!

It was a great day to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather and get your art fix at the gallery. With close to 200 people throughout the day, we had a great response to both of the artists featured. It was nice to meet new people in the community that are interested in art and catch up with many of our gallery regulars!

Congratulations to Larry and Jim!

HGTV The Stagers, Season 2

White Rock Gallery on HGTV??!!

We are very excited for the season debut of The Stagers on HGTV this May. This episode is called "Dazzling a Designer" and features artwork from some of the artists in our gallery. The art is used to stage a beautiful house in Vancouver. The show follows the stager, Matthew, who chooses artwork for the house at the gallery. We are interested to see what makes it into the final cut! Be sure to check it out.

Broadcast times:
Wednesday, April 13th on HGTV ch 29
5:30 pm and 10:30 pm

Repeats Thursday April 14th

11am and 4pm